Heat Shield +
Brush-on ceramic coating
High Temperature exhaust gases from both turbine and piston engines are
sometimes unavoidably close to parts of the air frame. Tailpipes and
mufflers contain the flame but the convective heat can be too much for
the surrounding balsa, plastic, or fiberglass structures.
Three brushed on coats of this water based, ceramic material, "Heat
Shield" will protect those exposed parts of your model. Simply treat the
inside of the engine cowl (piston engines) or the inside of the aft
fuselage (turbine) and the surface temperature of the model will remain
cool. In the unusual case of a turbine tailpipe fire on start up, you
will have several seconds longer to extinguish it before any damage to
the model occurs.
Heat Shield comes in an 8 oz. can and is easily applied with a brush,
clean up with soapy water. For extra protection the thickness can be
built up with additional layers of fiberglass cloth and Heat Shield.
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